Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a registered parishioner of St. Joseph the Worker?
Send an email to our Communications Director, Gina, to set up an appointment to register. This registration appointment is required, even if you are transferring from another Diocesan parish. We want to get to know you!
How do I get a Mass card?
Stop by the parish office to schedule a Mass to be said for someone's soul or their intentions. Masses are $10. Additionally, you can have the Sanctuary Candle burn in memory of a loved one for the week.
How do I acquire a letter of eligibility to be a Godparent or Confirmation sponsor?
Contact our Secretary, Anne with your name, the name of the person your are sponsoring, and the name of the church at which the Sacrament is being administered. Please note that you must be a registered, active parishioner for at least three months in order to receive a letter of eligibility.
How do I get my baby baptized at St. Joseph's?
If you are a registered member, contact Anne in the Parish Office with your name and phone number. She will pass it on to Deacon Butch, our baptism coordinator, who will be in touch with you to set up a date. We perform baptisms on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month after the 11:00am Mass. If you are not registered at St. Joseph's, contact Gina first at media@stjwchurch.org.
How do I start electronic giving?
Visit this page on our website HERE.
Can I rent your parish hall for my party?
Due to the volume of meetings and events, our Parish Center rooms are only available to parish organizations. Please contact Jessica via email or at 610-395-2876 ext. 29
I'm engaged and would like to be married at St. Joe's. What do I do now?
Call Anne, our Secretary at 610-395-2876. She will help you with the next steps. At least six months are required for marriage preparation, and the times for weddings are Saturdays at 10:00am, 12:00pm, and 2:00pm.
Where is the parish office?
The parish office is located in the building to the left of the church when you are looking at the main entrance. There is a sign on the building that says Rectory Office, and the door is right around the corner from the sign, underneath the overhang between the Office and the church.