All Saints Chapel

Our All Saints Chapel is dedicated to all the people of the original St. Joseph Parish who helped to found the little Church in Fogelsville, which has since grown to this large Church here in Orefield. Many of the artifacts in the new chapel have been received from the Churches of our diocese which have undergone mergers or closings, most especially in Schuylkill and Carbon counties. We thank the people of Immaculate Heart of Mary in Middleport, PA for the four main stained glass windows, the people of Our Lady of Pompeii in Bethlehem, for the large window with our patron saint of our diocese St. Catherine of Siena and St. Dominic. The statues, pulpit and other sanctuary furniture came from Sacred Heart Church in New Philadelphia. The Tabernacle came from St. Mary’s Church in McAdoo. The beautiful altar was received from St. Kiernan’s Church in Heckschersville, Pa. The candle holders on the altar as well as the vigil light came from Sacred Heart Church in New Philadelphia. The Blessed Sacrament stained glass window behind the tabernacle came from Holy Cross Church in New Philadelphia. The paschal candle stand came from St. Ann’s Church in Lansford, PA. The Good Shepherd window in the vestibule was part of the original old Church in Fogelsville and had initially been donated by the Holy Name Society of St. Joseph The Worker Parish.
Many people have inquired about the various Saints depicted on the windows and statuary of the altar. The window closest to the door by the vestibule depicts our Blessed Mother with the child Jesus. To the left of her is St. Joseph with Jesus. The statue in the rear corner is also St. Joseph. We can tell because he is usually carrying a white lily. As mentioned above, the large rear window shows our Blessed Mother as Queen of Heaven and Our Lady of the Rosary. St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena accompany her. The window near the rear door is St. Anne, the Mother of Mary, holding her daughter. The final window to the left of St. Anne is the famous depiction of Jesus at the door as he knocks. Notice that there is no handle...we have to let Him in.
On the altar, you see five statues. Jesus is flanked by Mary and Joseph, as well as St. Anne to the left, and Pope Pius IX, who defined the dogma of the Immaculate Conception on 8 Dec. 1854 in the document Ineffabilis Deus.
When the vision of expanding our chapel first started it was around the time of our diocesan synod and we realized that many of these Churches which would eventually be merged or closed had some very beautiful windows, altars and religious statues. We visited a great number of these Churches in order to procure these items you see in our chapel. We ask that when you come into our chapel now for Mass or adoration, please remember all the parishioners of these parishes from our diocese.