Parish Staff
Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Victor F. Finelli, V.J., J.C.L.
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Nikolai Brelinsky, MDiv., M.A.
In Residence: Rev. Msgr. Joseph P.T. Smith
In Residence: Very Rev. Eugene Ritz
Permanent Deacon: Dr. Bruno Schettini
Permanent Deacon: Mr. Carl (Butch) Readinger
Permanent Deacon: Mr. Anthony Brasten
Retired Deacons: Dr. Charles A. Coyle
Mr. Anthony T. Campanell
School Principal: Dr. Sarah Johnson sjohnson@stjw.org
Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Rose Hayward rhayward@stjw.org
Parish Secretary: Mrs. Anne Angelella parishoffice@stjwchurch.org
Finance Manager: Mr. Timothy Hood thood@stjwchurch.org
Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Jennifer Keim jkeim@stjwchurch.org
Communications and Registration: Mrs. Gina Medvedz media@stjwchurch.org
Director of Music: Mr. Mark O'Hearn mohearn@stjwchurch.org
Parish Center Administrator: Mrs. Jessica Mueller jmueller@stjwchurch.org
Msgr. Finelli

Fr. Brelinsky
Parochial Vicar