
Defenders of Life
Purpose: St. Joseph the Worker Defenders of Life are committed to educating, supporting and promoting the fundamental teaching of our Catholic faith, that all life is precious and has inherent dignity from conception to natural death. We promote Natural Family Planning (NFP) to encourage married couples to embrace the beautiful teachings of the Church which fosters a deeper love between a husband and a wife.
Activities: Our group sponsors events to financially aid Mary's Shelter and Cay Galgon Life House, homes for unwed pregnant mothers, with outreach programs for families in need. We promote and support the 40 Days for Life campaigns. We provide our youth groups, school children and
parishioners with Respect Life resources and information. We hold events during the Respect Life Months of October and January. With the Knights of Columbus, we help promote and attend the March for Life in Washington, DC.
Meetings: Our group meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm via Zoom. We welcome and encourage you to join us. If you would like the link to our Zoom calls, please call Jo Garcia at 610.395.8247. We welcome any level of participation when and in whatever way you are able. If you have any questions or seek any information, please call Jo Garcia at 610.395.8247 or Sandra Zawistowski at 610.703.7161.
Helping moms in need: If you know, or hear of, a mother who is facing an unplanned pregnancy and needs help, please provide that mother with the following list of local organizations that provide free resources to help mothers in need. Your words of encouragement to the mother coupled with the free resources provided to the mother by the organizations identified below may save the baby’s life. The Defenders of Life may be able to help too. Please contact us or ask the mother to reach out to us for help. Thank you.
Are you pregnant and in need of help or
know someone who is? See below for free resources.
Abortion Pill Reversal- https://AbortionPillReversal.com
877-558-0333 24/7 Hotline Have you taken the first dose of the abortion pill? Do you regret your decision and wish that you could reverse the effects of the pill? There is help!
Education on chemical or “medical” abortion- https://ThisIsChemicalAbortion.com Great educational videos and testimonies.
Cay Galgon Life House-https://caygalgonlifehouse.org 610-867-9546
714 W. Broad St., Bethlehem, PA 18018
Free pregnancy testing, counseling, case management, basic baby necessities, adult hygiene products, consumable goods, transitional housing, and agency referrals.
Catholic Charities-www.catholiccharitiesad.org
Berks County: 610-376-7144
234 Grace St., Reading, PA 19611
Lehigh / Northampton County: 610-435-1541
900 S. Woodward St., Allentown, PA 18103
Schuylkill / Carbon County: 570-628-0466
319 Mahantongo St., Pottsville, PA 17901
Pregnancy and parenting support program including free pregnancy tests, baby supplies, counseling services to girls and women.
Lifeline of Berks County-https://lifelineofberks.org
105 S. Fifth St., Reading, PA 19602
Free pregnancy tests, peer counseling, referrals and other assistance, post-abortion counseling, adoption assistance, etc.
Mary’s Shelter-https://www.marysshelter.org
615 Kenhorst Blvd., Reading, PA 19611
Temporary housing, counseling, prenatal care, education, parenting classes.
Life’s Choices-https://lifeschoicessupport.org
443 W. Main St., Kutztown, PA 19530
326 State St., Hamburg, PA 19526
Pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, pregnancy and childbirth classes, parenting and life classes, pregnancy loss support.
Birthright of Frackville-https://birthright.org
10 N. Lehigh Ave., Frackville, PA 17931
Pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, prenatal care, community programs, parenting skills, child care, referrals.
St. Anne’s Center, Grandma’s House-https://grandmashouse.us
137/139 Roseberry St.,
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
Pregnancy testing, housing and support for pregnant and homeless women and their children.
National Safe Haven Alliance-24/7 Crisis Hotline Call or Text:
1-888-510-BABY (2229)
The Safe Haven Law of PA allows a parent to anonymously
surrender their unharmed infant from birth-28 days old to a
designated Safe Haven provider:
Hospital, Fire / EMS station, or Police station
Great Pro-Life Websites:
Sisters of Life-https://sistersoflife.org
Priests for Life-https://www.priestsforlife.org
40 Days for Life-https://www.40daysforlife.com
Resources for Women Who Had an Abortion:
Project Rachel-https://hopeafterabortion.com
Hotline: 1-866-3RACHEL (Toll free)
Email: projectrachel@allentowndiocese.org
Post-abortion reconciliation and healing by specially trained priests and counselors. Also offers Rachel’s Vineyard retreat weekends, an intimate spiritual journey for anyone seeking healing after abortion. For retreat information, contact Carol Swavely at 610-435-1541, ext. 373 or email
Support After Abortion-https://supportafterabortion.com
Silent No More Awareness-https://silentnomoreawareness.org
abortiontestimony.com Provides many testimonies.
National Human Trafficking Hotline-1-888-373-7888
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I
dedicated you.” Jeremiah 1:5
Eternal Father,
You are the author of life,
You formed each of us
in the womb of our mother,
for both Your delight
as well as Your purpose.
You created us uniquely
in Your image and likeness
to bring Your love to the world.
Thank you, Father, for the gift of life.